What about noise?
All Basecampers are requested to be respectful of other Basecampers. Noise levels should be kept to a minimum during the hours posted at the property.
Is there a cleaning/maid service?
You are responsible for cleaning your apartment and for keeping the common areas nice and clean. However, you can get in touch with our Basecamp team, and we will certainly help you on finding the perfect solution for your needs.
Can I smoke?
No, smoking and vapingi s strictly prohibited anywhere inside the building. Smoking is only allowed in the outside areas.
I am new to the city and living away from home. What can I expect?
We are a tight-knit community and we will take care of you, so you have no reason to be nervous about moving to a new place. We will be more than happy to assist you with anything you may need – in our staff, the Basebuddies and the other Basecampers you will find many friends willing to help you.
What do I do if I have any problems at Basecamp?
During office hours you can go to the reception desk or call. If the office is closed, then please contact one of our Basebuddies or call our emergency number.
I am going on a vacation/back home for a while. Can I sublet my apartment?
Subletting is generally not allowed. An exception is made for students who find a replacement when they leave for a semester on an exchange program and wish to return to their room once this period is over. Contact us for further details.
Can I have guests over?
You are welcome. Be aware that you are responsible for your guests at any time.