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  • Studenten
  • Hotel
  • Deutschland
    • Dortmund

    • Leipzig

    • Potsdam

    • Göttingen

  • Polen
    • Katowice

    • Łódź Rembielińskiego

    • Łódź Rewolucji

    • Wroclaw

    • Kraków

  • Dänemark
    • Lyngby

    • Copenhagen City

    • Copenhagen South

    • Aarhus

  • Sweden
    • Malmö

Study term/semester*

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Anzahl der Gäste*
  • 1 Gast

  • 2 Gäste

  • Dortmund.

  • Wroclaw.

  • 1 Gast

  • 2 Gäste


Terms & conditions

Effective as of 1 May 2023

1. For Denmark

The terms and conditions on which we (Basecamp Student Operations ApS) arrange a lease of a room to you (the student) are set out in full in the lease that is available on this website. A condition of you receiving a room is that you sign a lease for a specific room or shared room, either physically or electronically, and that you:

  • Pay the rent set out for your room in the lease on the basis set out in the lease,
  • Pay a deposit as security for unpaid rent, damages, utilities or any cleaning costs as set out in the lease,
  • Pay money on account of the cost of utilities regularly,
  • Additionally pay any other costs which may become payable as a result of the terms of the lease (for instance if you choose to take additional services or are required to pay for damage that you have caused to the property),
  • You abide by the House Rules as published by Basecamp and provided to you.

1. a. Costs & payment options

When making a reservation at Basecamp, you are required to pay a one-time administration fee. Once your booking is confirmed, the administration fee will be not refunded as it is part of the entire booking process.

At the time of the booking, the tenant must pay 1 month’s rent in advance as well as a deposit equivalent to 3 months’ rent (subject to a maximum of three months’ rent) and a non-refundable administrative fee. The monthly rent of the room includes Internet and taxes. A set payment on account covers monthly water, heat and electricity consumption – a settlement based on actual usage will be conducted once a year during April.

Once we have received your first payment for the room, the deposit, and you have received a signed lease with an assigned room number and further details in return, the booking is final. Now, you can look forward to moving into Basecamp.

Basecamp accepts any customary payment method through its online platform.

In the case of a re-transfer of the credit card debiting, the tenant is obliged to pay the outstanding rent, plus any eventual costs incurred, within 10 days after receipt of the service. These costs include, among others, the costs arising from the cancellation of the credit card debiting.

2. For Danmark

­Handelsbetingelserne hvoraf vi (Basecamp Student Operations ApS) på baggrund heraf forvalter leje af værelse til dig (den studerende) er i detaljer beskrevet i lejekontrakten, som forefindes på denne hjemmeside ifm. bookning. En betingelse for at du kan opnå et værelse er, at du underskriver en lejekonkrakt for et givent værelse eller delt værelse og enten fysisk eller elektronisk. Dertil er det en betingelse at:

  • Husleje indbetales som aftalt i lejekontrakten,
  • Depositum svarende til 3 måneders husleje er betalt. Eventuelle skader på lejemålet dækkes af lejer jævnfør lejekontrakten,
  • Månedlig forudbetaling af vand, varme og el,
  • Lejer betaler enhver omkostning, som måtte forekomme som resultat af lejekontrakten (fx hvis du ønsker yderligere services eller medvirker til ødelæggelse af ejendommen eller lign.),
  • Lejer overholder husreglerne som offentliggjort af Basecamp og givet til dig.

2. a. Omkostninger og betalingsmuligheder

Når du laver en reservation hos Basecamp skal du betale et ikke-refunderbart administrationsgebyr. Dette beløb bliver ikke refunderet, når din booking er bekræftet, da det er en del af den samlede omkostning.

Ved bookning betaler du (lejer) 1 måneds husleje forud samt et depositum svarende til 3 måneders husleje og et administrationsgebyr, som ikke refunderes.

Den månedlige leje af værelset inkluderer skat og Internet. Du (lejer) betaler et fastsat beløb pr. md. à konto vedr. vand, varme og elektricitet – det faktiske forbrug opgøres en gang om året omkring april.

Så snart vi har modtaget din indbetaling for første måneds husleje, depositum og du har modtaget en underskrevet lejekontrakt retur med et værelsesnummer, så er aftalen endelig. Du kan nu se frem til at flytte ind på Basecamp.

Basecamp accepterer alle sædvanlige betalingsmetoder via sin onlineplatform.

I tilfælde af en genoverførsel af kreditkortdebitering er lejeren forpligtet til at betale den udestående leje plus eventuelle omkostninger inden for 10 dage efter modtagelsen af tjenesten. Disse omkostninger omfatter bl.a. de omkostninger, der opstår som følge af annulleringen af kreditkortsdebiteringen.

3. For Germany

The terms and conditions on which we (Basecamp Student GmbH) arrange a lease of a room to you (the student) are set out in full in the lease that is available on our website. A condition of you receiving a room is that you sign a lease for a specific room either physically or electronically and that you:

  • Pay the rent set out for your room in the lease on the basis set out in the lease,
  • Pay a deposit as security for unpaid rent, damages, or any cleaning costs as set out in the lease,
  • Additionally pay other costs which may become payable as a result of the terms of the lease (for instance if you choose to take additional services or are required to pay for damage that you have caused to the property),
  • You abide by the House Rules as published by Basecamp and provided to you.

3. a. Costs & payment options

When making a reservation at Basecamp, you are required to pay a one-time administration fee. Once your booking is confirmed, the administration fee will be not refunded as it is part of the entire booking process.

At the time of the booking, the tenant must pay 1 month’s rent in advance as well as a deposit equivalent to 2 month’s rent. The monthly rent of the room includes internet and utilities (water, electricity and heating).

Once we have received your first payment for the room and the deposit, you will receive the lease with a temporarily room number. The final room allocation can change any time until the day of arrival. Further details and final confirmation will soon follow. Now you can look forward to moving into Basecamp.

Basecamp accepts any customary payment method through its online platform.

In the case of a re-transfer of the credit card debiting, the tenant is obliged to pay the outstanding rent, plus any eventual costs incurred, within 10 days after receipt of the service. These costs include, among others, the costs arising from the cancellation of the credit card debiting.

4. Für Deutschland

Die Bedingungen, unter denen wir (Basecamp Student GmbH) eine Zimmervermietung für Dich (der Studierende) arrangieren, sind vollständig in dem- auf dieser Webseite verfügbaren- Mietvertrag festgelegt. Eine Bedingung für die Zimmervergabe ist, dass Du den Mietvertrag für ein bestimmtes Zimmer entweder physisch und elektronisch unterzeichnest, und dass Du:

  • Die entsprechende Miete für Dein Zimmer auf Grundlage des Mietvertrages zahlst,
  • Eine Kaution als Sicherheit für ausstehende Mieten, Beschädigungen oder Reinigungskosten zahlst,
  • Jegliche andere Kosten übernimmst, die aufgrund der Mietbedingungen fällig werden können (z. B. wenn du dich für zusätzliche Leistungen entscheidest oder wenn du Schäden an der Immobilie verursacht hast),
  • Du hältst Dich an die von Basecamp veröffentlichte und Dir zur Verfügung gestellte Hausordnung.

4. a. Kosten & Zahlungsmöglichkeiten

Bei der Reservierung bei Basecamp zahlst du eine einmalige Gebühr in Höhe von 100 Euro. Sobald deine Buchung bestätigt ist, wird die Reservierungsgebühr nicht zurückerstattet, da sie Teil des gesamten Buchungsvorgangs ist.

Zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung muss der Mieter eine Monatsmiete im Voraus, sowie eine Kaution in Höhe von 2 Monatsmieten bezahlen. Die monatliche Miete für das Zimmer beinhaltet Nebenkosten und Internet.

Sobald die erste Zahlung für das Zimmer und die Kaution bei uns eingegangen sind, erhälst du den Mietvertrag mit der vorläufigen Zimmernummer. Die finale Zimmerzuordung kann sich bis zum Einzug noch ändern. Weitere Informationen und die endgültige Buchungsbestätigung folgen bald darauf. Jetzt kannst du dich auf den Umzug ins Basecamp freuen.

Basecamp akzeptiert jede übliche Zahlungsmethode über die eigene online Plattform.
Im Falle einer Zurücküberweisung der Kreditkartenabbuchung verpflichtet sich der Kunde nach Erhalt der Leistung innerhalb von 10 Tagen den ausstehenden Mietbetrag zzgl. eventuell angefallener Kosten zu zahlen. Zu diesen Kosten gehören u.a. die Kosten, die aufgrund des Widerrufs der Kreditkartenabbuchung entstehen.

5. For Poland

The terms and conditions on which we;

  • ST Łódź Rewolucji 1905 Sp. z o.o. located in 02-661 Warszawa, Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • ST Łódź Rembielińskiego Sp. z o.o. located in 02-661 Warszawa, Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • ST Katowice Krasińskiego sp. z o.o. located in 02-661 Warszawa, Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • BC Wrocław Sienkiewicza sp. z o.o. located in 02-661 Warszawa, Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1

arrange a lease of a room to you (the student) are set out in full in the lease that is available on this website. A condition of you receiving a room is that you sign a lease for a specific room or shared room, either physically or electronically, and that you:


  • Pay the rent set out for your room in the lease on the basis set out in the lease,
  • Pay a deposit as security for unpaid rent, damages, or any cleaning costs as set out in the lease,
  • Additionally pay other costs which may become payable as a result of the terms of the lease (for instance if you choose to take additional services or are required to pay for damage that you have caused to the property),
  • You abide by the House Rules as published by Basecamp and provided to you.

5. a. Costs & payment options

When making a reservation at Basecamp, you are required to pay a one-time administration fee. Once your booking is confirmed, the administration fee will be not refunded as it is part of the entire booking process.

When making a reservation with us and booking a room, a one-time administration fee will be charged. At the time of the booking, the tenant must pay 1 month’s rent in advance as well as a deposit equivalent to 1 month’s rent (subject to a maximum of one month’s rent). The monthly rent of the room includes taxes and internet. Utilities (water, electricity and heating) are charged at a fixed, monthly fee.

Once we have received your first payment for the room and the deposit you will receive a scan of tenancy signed by us with an assigned room and further details in return, the booking is final. Now, you can look forward to moving into Basecamp.

Basecamp accepts any customary payment method through its online platform.

In the case of a re-transfer of the credit card debiting, the tenant is obliged to pay the outstanding rent, plus any eventual costs incurred, within 10 days after receipt of the service. These costs include, among others, the costs arising from the cancellation of the credit card debiting.

6. Dla Polski

Pełny regulamin, na podstawie którego

  • ST Łódź Rewolucji 1905 Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (kod pocztowy: 02-661) ul. Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • ST Łódź Rembielińskiego Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (kod pocztowy: 02-661) ul. Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • ST Katowice Krasińskiego Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (kod pocztowy: 02-661) ul. Plac Ireneusza Gugulskiego nr 1
  • BC Wrocław Sienkiewicza spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Warszawie (02-661) przy pl. Ireneusza Gugulskiego 1,”

wynajmuje Tobie (studentowi) pokój jest przedstawiony w Umowie najmu (Umowa) i dostępny na naszej stronie internetowej. Aby otrzymać pokój, musisz wydrukować i podpisać Umowę na wynajem konkretnego pokoju lub miejsca w konkretnym pokoju dwuosobowym, a następnie wysłać do nas jej skan, a także:

  • Zapłacić czynsz za pokój w wysokości określonej w Umowie,
  • Wpłacić depozyt jako zabezpieczenie za nieopłacony czynsz, ewentualne szkody oraz pokrycie kosztów dodatkowego czyszczenia, w wysokości określonej w Umowie,
  • Dodatkowo pokryć pozostałe koszty, które mogą być wymagalne w ramach warunków najmu (np. w przypadku gdy zdecydujesz się skorzystać z usług dodatkowych lub będziesz zobowiązany do zapłaty za szkody, które wyrządziłeś w budynku),
  • Przestrzegać Regulaminu Domu, opublikowanego i dostarczonego Ci przez Basecamp.

6. a. Koszty & Metody płatności

Dokonując rezerwacji w Basecamp, jesteś zobowiązany do uiszczenia jednorazowej opłaty administracyjnej. Po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji opłata rezerwacyjna nie zostanie zwrócona, będąc częścią całego procesu rezerwacyjnego.

Przy dokonaniu rezerwacji pokoju za naszym pośrednictwem, zostanie pobrana jednorazowa opłata administracyjna. W momencie dokonywania rezerwacji najemca zobowiązany jest do opłacenia z góry czynszu za 1 miesiąc oraz wpłacenia kaucji odpowiadającej wysokości miesięcznego czynszu (maksymalnie za 1 miesiąc czynszu). Miesięczny czynsz za pokój obejmuje podatki i internet. Za media (woda, prąd i ogrzewanie) pobierana jest stała, miesięczna opłata.

Po otrzymaniu przez nas Twojej pierwszej płatności za pokój i depozyt otrzymasz zwrotnie skan podpisanej przez nas umowy najmu z przydzielonym pokojem i dalszymi szczegółami, rezerwacja jest ostateczna. Od tego momentu możesz przygotowywać się do przeprowadzki do Basecamp.

Basecamp akceptuje dowolną metodę płatności za pośrednictwem swojej platformy internetowej.
W przypadku re-transferu płatności z karty debetowej, najemca jest zobowiązany do opłacenia pozostałej kwoty czynszu, oraz ewentualnych dodatkowych kosztów w ciągu 10 dni od otrzymania usługi. Koszty te mogą obejmować m. in. koszty związane z anulowaniem obciążenia karty kredytowej.

7. For Sweden

The terms and conditions on which we (BC Student Malmö AB) arrange a lease of a room or apartment to you (the student) are set out in full in the lease that is available on this website. A condition of you receiving a room is that you sign a lease for a specific room or shared room, either physically or electronically, and that you:

  • Pay the rent set out for your room in the lease on the basis set out in the lease,
  • Pay a deposit as security for unpaid rent and damage,
  • Including any other costs which may become payable as a result of the terms of the lease (for instance if you choose to take additional services or are required to pay for damage that you have caused to the property),
  • You abide by the House Rules as published by Basecamp and provided to you.

7. a. Costs & payment options

When making a reservation at Basecamp, you are required to pay a one-time administration fee. Once your booking is confirmed, the administration fee will be not refunded as it is part of the entire booking process.

At the time of the booking, the tenant must pay 1 month’s rent in advance as well as a deposit equivalent to 2 months’ rent (subject to a maximum of two months’ rent) and a non-refundable administrative fee. The monthly rent of the room includes Internet and taxes.

Once we have received your first payment for the room, the 2-month deposit, and you have received a signed lease with an assigned room number and further details in return, the booking is final. Now, you can look forward to moving into Basecamp.


Basecamp accepts any customary payment method through its online platform.

In the case of a re-transfer of the credit card debiting, the tenant is obliged to pay the outstanding rent, plus any eventual costs incurred, within 10 days after receipt of the service. These costs include, among others, the costs arising from the cancellation of the credit card debiting.

8. For Sverige

De fullständiga villkoren som vi (BC Student Malmö AB) tillämpar för att hyra ut en lägenhet till dig (studenten) framgår i hyresavtalet som återfinns på denna webbsida. En förutsättning för att tilldelas en specifik lägenhet är att du signerar hyresavtalet, antingen fysiskt eller digitalt, och att du:

  • Betalar den i hyresavtalet fastsatta hyran för lägenheten,
  • Betalar en deposition som säkerhet för obetald hyra och eventuella skador orsakade på lägenheten,
  • Inkluderar andra eventuella kostnader som kan uppstå som en följd av hyresavtalets villkor (exempelvis om du väljer att köpa till extra tjänster eller om du är skyldig att betala för skador du har orsakat fastigheten),
  • Följer ordningsreglerna (”House Rules”) framtagna av Basecamp och tillhandahållna dig.

8. a. Kostnads- och betalningsalternativ

När du gör en reservation hos Basecamp är du skyldig att betala en administrationsavgift (vid ett tillfälle. När din bokning blivit bekräftad kommer inte administrationsavgiften att återbetalas då den är en del av bokningsprocessen.

Vid tidpunkten för bokningen ska hyresgästen betala en (1) månadshyra i förskott samt deposition motsvarande två (2) månadshyror och en icke återbetalningsbar administrationsavgift. Månadshyran inkluderar internet och eventuella skatter.

Bokningen är färdig och avslutad när vi mottagit din första hyresbetalning, depositionen motsvarande två månadshyror och du har mottagit ett signerat hyresavtal med ett specificerat lägenhetsnummer och övriga detaljer. Nu kan du se fram emot att flytta in hos Basecamp.

Basecamp accepterar de vanligaste betalningsmetoderna via vår online plattform.
Vid eventuell återbetalning till kreditkort är hyresgästen skyldig att betala utestående hyra, plus andra eventuellt uppkomna kostnader, inom tio (10) dagar efter. Dessa kostnader inkluderar, bland andra, kostnaderna för den avbrutna kreditkortstransaktionen.

When did you join Basecamp?

We have recently updated the My Basecamp platform. Users that signed up before XX/XX/XXXX will need to sign into our previous platform.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Abonnement!

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